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Gift Registry

Make every occasion meaningful.
All special events deserve an experience just as special.
Creating a wedding registry, or a registry for a new house, shouldn’t be another heavy task. With Cutipol your journey will be joyful, convenient, elegant and memorable.
And your guests will be thankful – we make it easy and pleasant to give the right gift.
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Cutipol - For all occasions

Why choose Cutipol Gift Registry?

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High quality and timeless products

We offer a curated selection of decorative objects and housewares created by the best experts and designers. Gather everything you need in a single gift list.
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Personalized service

Would you rather choose your gifts in person? Do you need last minute changes? No worry... At Cutipol you can create your registry online or in one of our shops, with guaranteed continuous support.
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10% gift voucher

When you create your registry with Cutipol, you receive a Gift voucher worth 10% of the total amount offered.
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Convenient Exchange

What if your gifts are not what you expected? We offer an exceptional customer service, enhanced by a prompt response to all questions when exchanging products.
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Easy delivery

We deliver to all Europe, and the shipping cost will be deducted from the 10% gift voucher. If you prefer, you can also pick up your gifts at one of our stores.
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Customized Offer

Choose the gift you like the most to offer and send it along with a personal message to your friends or family.
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Shopping at Cutipol stores

If you prefer the in-store experience, you can choose your gift in the Porto and Lisbon shops.
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Quick and easy purchase

Simple decision and purchase process, with the certainty that the person who will receive the gift will like it.
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Easy delivery

Delivery will be made on the date and to the address indicated by the person responsible for the Gift List. You can also pick it up at the store, without any implications for the gift giver.
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Ready to create your list?


Quick and simple, from start to finish

Sign in, create a list and select your favorites.


Receive gifts from your guests

Add as many gifts as you'd like and give your guests, friends and family access.


Share and get a little extra

Share your list with guests and earn an exclusive 10% credit on future purchases.

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It was a pleasant surprise to make our Gift List at Cutipol. The process is very simple and intuitive, with the added advantage of having a very professional and helpful customer service. Our guests also loved this experience.
Margarida & Afonso

Cutipol - Inspire yourself
Cutipol - Inspire yourself

The perfect gift

Wedding, christening, anniversary or any special event, we assure it will be meaningful! Create your registry with elegant and exclusive beautiful items.
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